Instagram review

Instagram is a social media site that is used to share photos. Some of the features of the site are live video streaming, photo filters, and geo-tagging. Instagram is an application for computer, mobile phone, and tablet, which enables users to upload and share photos and videos. Users can take pictures or videos, then apply a filter to their content and share them to other social media platforms (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr). Instagram is a photo-sharing social networking service, which was launched on October 6, 2010. It was developed by the company Instagram, which was founded by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger. During the first day of the application was launched, Instagram had only one thousand users, but only a few months after that number increased by more than one million. By the end of 2011, the number of Instagram users was more than 100 million.


Instagram is a mobile application with which users can share their photos with others. Users can take pictures using their smartphones or using a web browser, and then upload them to their Instagram accounts. There are also apps for iOS and Android that people can use to upload photos. Users can add filters and effects to their photos, and can also do other editing functions.


The design of Instagram is simple and intuitive. The application is very easy to use, and it has a clean interface. It also has a dark color scheme, which is typical for the design of the social media apps that are created by the company.


Instagram is a very popular social media service, and it is also one of the most popular photo-sharing platforms that are available. It is a very popular network because it is very simple to use, and because it is a very easy way to share photos with friends and family members.


In conclusion, Instagram is a social media site that can be used to share photos. It is a very popular site because it has many features that make it worth using. However, it does have some disadvantages that should be noted.


  • The application is only available for iOS and Android, and it is not available for people who use other operating systems
  • There is a limit on the number of photos that can be uploaded to an account
  • Users can only upload a photo to their Instagram account from a smartphone or from a web browser
  • It is not a very interactive social media service


  • It is a very intuitive service, which is very easy to use
  • It has a clean and simple interface
  • It is a very popular photo-sharing network
  • It has a large, diverse user base
  • There are many filters and effects that can be used
  • It is a very personal social media service
  • It is an easy way to keep in touch with friends and family members

Design and Usability 5

Key Functions 5

Security 5

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