FIFA Soccer

FIFA Soccer review

FIFA Soccer is a video game where you take control of a soccer team, and play against other teams in a quest to win the World Cup. The game has been around for a long time, and is played by people all over the world. For the past three weeks, I have been playing the newest game in the FIFA series, FIFA Soccer. FIFA Soccer is a sports game in which the player takes control of a soccer team and plays a game against the computer or against another player. The game follows the rules of soccer as it is played, with teams playing either 11-a-side or 7-a-side, depending on the player's preference.


The gameplay in FIFA Soccer is very realistic, and is very detailed. You can choose a team from a range of different leagues, and choose to play as one of the players on the team. You can also play against other players and take control of a team. You can play against up to 15 different teams at a time. At the beginning of the game, the player has the option to customize the team, including the player's name, the team's uniform, and the player's position. The player can also choose to play with a country that is not on the list. The player can also customize the team's logo, which will be displayed on the uniform. The game follows the rules of soccer, and uses two buttons for controlling the player. When the player is near the ball, the left button is used to control the player's movement, and the right button is used to control the player's shooting. The player can also use the left button to control the player's running, but this can cause the player to lose control of the ball. The player can also use the directional pad to control the player's movement.


The graphics in FIFA Soccer are detailed. The players on the field look realistic, and the ball is easy to see. The different uniforms and the logos on the uniforms are also clear. The players are also animated, which gives the game a cartoon-like quality.


FIFA Soccer has a lot of replayability, mainly because it is a game that never gets old. The gameplay never changes, so you can play it over and over again, and never get bored.


 FIFA Soccer is a very realistic soccer game in which the player takes control of a soccer team, and plays against other teams. The game has a lot of replayability. The graphics are a bit dated, but are still very good considering the game was released back in 1993. The game is very detailed, and you can play against 15 different teams at a time. The gameplay is very realistic, and is very detailed. The game never gets old, and you can replay it over and over again.


  • The gameplay is very realistic, and is very detailed
  • The game never gets old, and you can replay it over and over again
  • The graphics are a bit dated, but are still very good considering the game was released back in 1993
  • The game is very detailed, and you can play against 15 different teams at a time


  • The graphics are a bit dated, and are not as good as they could be
  • The gameplay is very realistic, which may lead to players getting bored quickly. The game is very detailed, which may lead to players getting bored quickly

Graphics and Sound 5

Controls 5

Gameplay 5

Lasting Appeal 5

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