WhatsApp Could Soon Get Handy Telegram Feature
- 2023-02-04
WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging services out there, and for a good reason: it nailed the basics of communication early on. However, there have been several missing essential features, such as the inability to pin a message in a conversation. Thankfully, WhatsApp is now working on addressing this limitation and could soon get a handy Telegram feature.
According to recent reports, WhatsApp is working on introducing the ability to pin messages in a conversation. This feature is already present in Telegram, where users can pin up to five messages at the top of a chat. This is especially useful to ensure conversations don't deviate from the topic and important messages are easily accessible. WhatsApp's implementation could be similar, though the exact details are yet to be revealed.
The messaging service has also been working on other features over the last year, such as dark mode, better search options, and improved voice and video calls. The addition of the pinning feature would be a welcome addition to the app, though it is still unclear when it will be released.
WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging services out there and is working on addressing some of its limitations. One such limitation is the inability to pin messages in a conversation, which could soon be addressed by the addition of a handy Telegram feature. Though the exact details are yet to be revealed, the addition of the pinning feature would be a great addition to the app.