How Roblox Improves Social Communication
- 2022-12-15

The developer has recently announced two new features crafted to help players make new connections and reconnect with old friends. Roblox contact importer and friend recommendations are specifically tailored to the platform's young user base, creating secure and meaningful connections through mutual friends and game interaction.
Roblox’s contact importer is easy-to-use and available to phone-verified players over the age of thirteen. By scanning their devices, users can easily access their contacts' nicknames and add their friends to the game. There is also the ability to share invitations through the platform. All users eligible for this feature can also disable their ability to be discovered through their phone number for privacy purposes.
The platform has also designed a friend recommendation tool for players aged thirteen and over. This feature will suggest users “you may know and want to connect with” on the Roblox homepage. This has been designed to make secure connections with the assurance that these users have a high probability of knowing each other either through mutual friends or through game interaction.
Roblox's senior product director Garima Sinha commented that these features had created “entry points” for players to quickly and easily connect with their real-life social circles. The creation of these features is not solely driven by the “market fast” idea that many other platforms use, as they are carefully tailored to the younger demographic of players. Instead, Roblox has invested in creating meaningful online connections.
Roblox's new social features deliver value by creating a secure and enjoyable platform for young users to make meaningful connections. The contact importer and friend recommendations increase the platform’s social appeal and the ability to find and reconnect with friends easily. Roblox continues to be a safe and entertaining environment where users of all ages can play with their friends, both old and new.